Cambridge CEM's high quality data

provides schools with the insight to help their students achieve the best outcomes.

Our assessments provide the most accurate benchmark of student performance

Updated every year, our secondary and post-16 assessments – MidYIS, Yellis and Alis – have the best standardisation of any baseline and cognitive abilities assessment provider.

MidYIS and Yellis, our secondary assessments, are standardised using over 650,000 student assessments from over 9,500 school cohorts from a period of six academic years. Alis, our post-16 assessment, is standardised using over 240,000 student assessments from over 2,600 cohorts from a period of six academic years.

Using data over a longer period means we can follow long-term trends to get a more accurate standardisation but avoid short term fluctuations.

To make the results as nationally-representative as possible, we control for the type of school (state selective, state non-selective and independent) and we make a correction for the exam attainment of the schools. The sample consists of students in mainstream English schools.

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Assessment Provider


Cambridge CEM

MidYIS and Yellis: over 650,000 student assessments from over 9,500 school cohorts

Alis: over 240,000 student assessments from over 2,600 cohorts

GL Assessment

CAT4 1: 25,000 students

NGRT 2: 11,700 students

Hodder Education

PUMA and PiRA 3: over 3,500 students

Alps Education

No data available


Our assessments provide good predictions of later success at GCSE and A Level

Developed using a rigorous quality control formula, our assessments can provide valuable predictions of your students’ likely GCSE and A Level outcomes

When we calculate your students’ predictions for GCSE and A Level performance, we use our baseline data combined with data we have on exam performance to develop predictions of students’ future exam results. We apply rigorous quality control to all our predictions – every sample we use must meet certain criteria based on the number of schools, number of students, sampling error and correlation before we will consider using it. We also provide predictions that are specific to certain student populations or school types, including national or independent schools, ensuring we’re providing you with data that’s accurate to your school type.

When we perform our calculations, we see correlations up to 0.8 in our secondary assessments, which is a strong correlation in this context. This means there’s a strong relationship between our predictions and the results obtained by students in their GCSEs and A Levels, giving you peace of mind that our predictions data are as accurate as they realistically could be. Teachers can then use this data to provide interventions or development plans to help their students perform even better during their examinations.

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Our assessments were the first to measure value‑added

We help schools understand how their hard work, and the hard work of their students, have added value to their students’ educational progress

From creating the first adaptive cognitive assessments in the UK to being the first to include value-added reporting data to its assessments, Cambridge CEM has been helping teachers provide an impactful learning environment for their students for the last four decades.

Cambridge CEM was the first assessment provider to develop value-added reporting in its assessments, helping schools understand how their intervention efforts and the hard work of their students have added value to their students’ educational progress.

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Further reading

Cambridge CEM statistician Andrew Lyth goes into more detail on how we make predictions of future exam outcomes in the How We Make Predictions blog post.

For more information on what standardisation is and how it’s calculated, check out the Standardised Scores 101 blog post from Richard Selfridge.

In this Quality Check blog post, we look at standardisation, how to spot good quality data and how to make the most of your school’s assessment data.

For more details on what value-added is in education and how it helps, check out the What Is Value Added page.

More information on value-added – including our quality control criteria, measuring student progress and predicted grades – is available in this blog post on Data Quality at CEM.